Whether it’s Home, Auto, Life, or Business, Roseberry Insurance Agency has policies and coverage to keep you and your possessions safe.
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Insurance FAQS
An insurance limit is the maximum amount of money an insurer will pay toward a covered claim. The higher your coverage limit, the higher your premium may be. Limits often apply to different types of coverage within a policy. For example:
You’ll likely want to consider a number of factors when choosing your homeowners insurance coverage limits. These may include:
• The amount it may cost to rebuild your home at current construction costs (dwelling coverage)
• The value of your belongings (personal property coverage)
• The amount of liability coverage that may assist you if you’re found legally responsible for a guest’s injuries or damage to someone else’s property
A deductible is a key feature of many types of insurance coverage. It is the amount of money you pay out of your own pocket toward a covered claim. You’ll typically find deductibles for certain coverages in homeowners, renters and auto insurance policies. A policy may have multiple deductibles. For example, if your car insurance policy has comprehensive coverage and collision coverage, you likely have a comprehensive deductible and a separate collision deductible.
Being “underinsured” means a person has insurance coverage, but the limits may not be high enough to cover the full expenses of a claim. Take car insurance, for example: Each state requires auto liability coverage and sets minimum limits that drivers must purchase. To save money on auto insurance premiums, a driver might choose to purchase a policy with the minimum coverage limits.
If you cause an accident, however, the minimum liability coverage limits might not be enough to pay for all the damage. In that case, you may have to pay out of pocket for charges that exceed your coverage limits.
Life insurance can help protect your family members when they suffer the loss of a breadwinner or stay-at-home parent. Life insurance allows a family to help maintain its standard of living by providing income-tax-free money to help pay for funeral expenses, pay off the mortgage, set aside college tuition for the kids and help provide financial peace of mind after the loss of a loved one.
Set up a free insurance review consultation!
Setting up an insurance review is the first step in the direction of financial wellness.
Call us for details today. 404.233.7233